1573. What is your favourite app and the features you would like to add?




During our conversation, I'm interested in knowing about your favourite app. Could you share with me what it is and discuss any additional features you would love to see incorporated into it in the future?

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Creativity : This question assesses your ability to think innovatively and suggest enhancements or new features for existing products.

  • 2. Technical Knowledge : Your description of the app and its potential features should demonstrate familiarity with technical concepts.

  • 3. Problem Solving : Suggesting new features usually comes from a place of identifying and wanting to solve a problem or fill a gap in the user experience.

  • 4. Product Vision : The ability to envisage the potential evolution of an app and how it could better serve its user base hints at your product vision capabilities.

  • 1. Assessing passion for technology : Your favourite app choice can demonstrate your genuine interest in technology and software products.

  • 2. Understanding user-centric thinking : The features you propose can reflect your understanding of user needs and market demands.

  • 3. Evaluating innovation potential : Your ability to come up with unique and useful features is a testament to your innovation skills.

  • 4. Discovering continuous learning : This question could reveal if you have a habit of considering how to improve things you interact with, showing a mindset geared towards continuous learning and improvement.

  • 1. Mention an app that also aligns with your professional interests or work you've done : This can strengthen the case for your technical proficiency and align your personal interests with your professional goals.

  • 2. Discuss features that demonstrate an understanding of current tech trends : Linking your proposed features to trends shows your awareness of the industry's direction.

  • 3. Relate the new features to solving a specific problem or offering an enhancement : This showcases your problem-solving skills and the ability to prioritize functionality that adds value.

Technical Skills
Problem Solving
Software Engineer
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