742. Describe a time you implemented something quickly without a lot of information
747. How long do you work every day?
751. And how do you think you will do
757. Share examples of where you excelled and failed
759. Tell me about a time when you did not meet the target
760. Are you okay with the process and shifts?
765. Tell me about your learning journey
766. What are your aspirations?
769. Where do you see yourself?
771. How do you stay motivated?
784. How do you manage project ambiguity?
788. Tell me about a time you had to come up with a new solution
801. Tell me about your failure, weakness, and strengths
802. How do you overcome obstacles in everyday life?
803. Do you enjoy learning new things?
804. Tell us about a time you were taken out of your comfort zone
817. Would you be willing to have schedule flexibility?
819. Tell me about a hectic situation you faced on a trip with your family
821. Tell me about a time when you had to gather information and respond immediately to a situation
828. Are you comfortable doing the job?
830. Describe a time when you had to pivot quickly on a project
832. What question did you encounter during your project?
834. Do you have experience giving various presentations?
835. Describe a situation where you failed in achieving your goal
838. Describe a time when you had to delay routine tasks due to an urgent demand
844. What's the biggest challenge you faced in the last 6 months?
846. Would you consider a lower salary option?
855. What shifts would you be working