2609. What would your manager tell me if I call them for a reference?




Can you share what your previous or current manager would say about you if I were to call them for a reference?

Skill Assessed
  • 1. Self-awareness : Evaluates the candidate's understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses as perceived by others, especially their supervisors.

  • 2. Professional relationships : Assesses how effectively the candidate has built and maintained professional relationships with their superiors.

  • 3. Work performance : Provides insight into how the candidate perceives their own work performance and any feedback they have received.

  • 4. Communication : Gauges the candidate's ability to effectively articulate past work experiences and how they were perceived by their manager.

  • 1. Understanding past performance : Aims to uncover the candidate's past performance and behavior in the workplace as seen through their manager's eyes.

  • 2. Evaluating candor : Determines the level of openness and honesty the candidate demonstrates when discussing their professional past.

  • 3. Assessing self-perception alignment : Checks for congruence between how the candidate sees themselves and how they believe they are viewed by their manager.

  • 4. Predicting future behavior : Uses the information provided to predict the candidate’s potential future performance and fit within the team or organization.

  • 1. Reflect on past appraisals : Think about your performance reviews or any formal feedback you've received from your manager to answer accurately.

  • 2. Consider your professional relationship : Your relationship dynamics with your manager can shape their perspective, ensure to discuss how you fostered a positive working relationship.

  • 3. Highlight growth and achievements : When discussing your manager's perspective, include any growth or successes that they have acknowledged in your professional tenure.

Work Ethic
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